RGIS Franchise Partner Service Offerings

Third-party stocktaking of a retail warehouse offers impartiality and stock accuracy, providing an unbiased assessment of inventory levels and it minimises the risk of internal errors.

Pre Planning

Scheduling the event and preparing for the warehouse stocktake are fundamental to ensure a smooth and accurate operation, whether a full stocktake or a partial inventory count

Stock Counting

RGIS Franchise Partner stocktaking teams employ systematic counting methods using proprietary stocktaking software, tablets, handhelds and figure lasers during a warehouse stocktake

Verification and Reconciliation

Real time data can be viewed via tablets and strict verification procedures are used to ensure accuracy of inventory. Any stock variances can be resolved before they become an issue

Post-Stocktake Reporting

Data can be delivered to the warehouse management system in any format so that comprehensive reports detailing warehouse stock levels, discrepancies, and variances can be generated

Why become an RGIS Franchise Partner?

You will be able to offer impartial accurate stocktaking services as an RGIS Franchise Partner.

  • Trained within retail and warehouse environments for warehouse stocktakes and inventory auditing
  • Auditors use cutting-edge proprietary stocktaking equipment to ensure stock accuracy and efficiency

Want to learn more? CONTACT US to schedule a no-obligation meeting and find out the information that you need to become an RGIS Franchise Partner.